RE:CONNECT….The collaborative works of Mel Kirkham and Yasmin Baddley examines ‘The Five Ways’ to wellbeing, which are ‘Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give’.(nef)  … “happiness is the goal, isn’t it?” Agnes Martin

Commoners Fair

Commoners Fair was initiated by Ian Nesbit to establish 'exploring hidden systems of community-building and mutual support.' A series of meetings with different community groups, and people interested in sharing resources, other than financial were set up. It culminated in the Commoners Fair event which I supported with a talk 'Tell me Something I don't Know' and creating a page for a zine publication ek-uh-nom-iks. Our interests in art as an agent for change has been inspired and have worked together on supporting events such as the Commoners Fair and subsequent events and meetings held at Primary Studios, Nottingham. Some images sharing creative arts and guerrilla gardening seed bombs with different children from the local communities.
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